Tuesday, January 7, 2020

War On Drugs Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Less than 100 years ago, narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs were not only legal but were sold openly in the United States. They were prescribed freely and were even used as food additives. Many doctors and pharmacists earned a lucrative living by "supplying opiates to drug addicts". As the dangers of these drugs became more evident, laws became increasingly more restrictive regarding the sale and usage of these substances, until they had become outlawed or strictly regulated. By the mid-1950's in the United States, the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association became critical of the use of punishment against addicts and suggested rehabilitation and the use of drug clinics as a better and more humane alternative to punishing them (Meier). Despite these recommendations, the political and social climate of the country was bent towards punitive measures. Penalties for drug related crimes increased in severity. The United States government under President Richard Nixon started its drug use and drug trade prevention strategy through an initiative called War on Drugs in 1971. Media popularized this term after Nixon gave a press conference, a day after his address to the Congress, during which he stated that drug abuse is America s number one enemy. We will write a custom essay sample on War On Drugs or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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